How to write about yourself?


Anybody who has had to write about themselves will know that it is not easy. But we will try to make it a tad bit easier.

Be it an introduction for your resume or a cover letter that you wish to perfect, writing about oneself is difficult. You often do not know where to begin and how to go about it. If you are writing for a cover letter, you may end up saying too many good things which seem superficial.

On the other hand, if you are trying to make it very crisp, it may end up sounding bland or miss out on essential details. We have listed below a few of the dilemmas that one might have while writing about yourself. This is followed by tips that would guide one to write better.

So, let’s get started, shall we?

Dilemmas in writing

Why would anybody want to read about you? This is a very crucial question one should ask oneself before proceeding to write anything. When you are writing or describing yourself, you must perceive yourself from the perspective of another individual. You have to be able to see yourself from a distance without becoming emotional.

People who wonder why others do not read their work usually fall under one of the three categories. Before you can proceed to learn how to write about yourself, have a clear understanding of the mistakes people commonly make.

The delusional

Being happy and proud of your work is good, but believing that you are entitled to a good audience regardless of what is written, makes you delusional. Would you read somebody’s rambling for pages at a go? No, right!

Similarly, if you do not have a hook in your write up, there is very little chance people will read beyond the first line. It is imperative to escape the delusional state to be able to write well.

The oblivious

If you understand that your write-up is not making people appreciate you, but the reason is not apparent, you fall into this category. There is something not right about the way you are describing yourself, but you can always work on it and develop a personal style of writing.

The hiders

Most people fall into this category where they are aware that their writing style is lacking something but are not ready to put in the effort to change. This happens because they are scared of not being able to meet up to expectations even after trying hard.

We will explain some of the typical traits that are needed in write-ups for people to appreciate your description of yourself.

Factors to keep in mind while writing about yourself

Certain techniques can be used to write about yourself in such a way that it yields results. We will define them below, and you should make a note of the following points.


It is always important to be extremely honest while writing about yourself. Do not try to sugarcoat facts or write about general qualities that may not relate to you but are socially accepted. The more you pretend, the duller your writing becomes.

If you are blatantly honest and write about your own emotions, you will immediately touch the readers as they will see your raw self and not a refined biography that they know is fabricated.


The moment you are honest and write about intricate details regarding yourself, readers will experience relatability. Relatability is key, and the more you can get people to relate to your story, the more they will read and be interested in it.

It is important for the writer to write in a way so that readers can identify with the protagonist and form an instant link with the story they are reading.

Creating that hook

For the content to be catchy and enjoyable for everybody, a hook needs to be designed to motivate people to keep reading. Begin with an unusual fact about yourself and then follow a structure. Know beforehand how you want your writing to look like and outline the points that cannot be missed while writing about yourself.

How to write a paragraph v/s how to write an essay?

If you have ever wondered how to write a paragraph about yourself, allow us to enlighten you with some facts. Writing a paragraph about oneself is very different from writing an essay. It would be best if you would not approach both of these with the same technique.

Paragraphs are usually needed for resumes or formal introductions at offices. You may also need it to introduce yourself to a new class. When attempting to write a short paragraph, it is crucial that you talk about the essentials only and not go into details.

For a formal introduction, write about who you are and what you are passionate about. Add in one line about your qualifications, but it is best not to go into details as the company would already be receiving your CV. It is best to write about your passion and what you would bring to the table.

In an informal introduction or who am I essay, one need not write about their qualifications and could jump straight to their passion and the extracurriculars that excite them. If you are a travel buff, write about the most exciting places you have been to or the craziest trip. If you play an instrument, talk about gigs that you have been a part of or how playing feels in general.

Add emotion to your write up, and people are bound to read. Play with words but use as few of them as you can. Remember, you cannot be writing long essays when asked for a paragraph.

Moving on to how to write a lot about oneself, this is where you can show your creativity with words. Here, you have the liberty to write extensively about yourself, but again, this is a place where you can get bored quickly.

To hold the interest of others, first, brainstorm and come up with a concept that you want to use as an anchor throughout the essay. It could be connected to a particular identity you relate to the most or a personality type that defines you.

Once you have this in place, you can structure the essay based on this feature. Describe yourself through qualities that you have and then try adding a touch of humor to it. If you love food, do not just write it directly, instead put it across as if it is your partner in times of need or otherwise.

Tips to become a pro

Write to be read

When writing about oneself, keep in mind that it’s ultimately for somebody else. Regardless of it being about your life, it is going to be read by other people, and they are going to want to relate.

We suggest that you should read books about copywriting, marketing and persuasion. Copywriting is about writing for the people, especially the target audience. You would also have a set audience who you are writing for, and these books will help in explaining how to impress the lot.

What you would write for a teacher is not the same as what you would write as a blog for the same age audience to read.

Use of details

It is essential for you to detail out facts to give the audience unique content to hold on to. List out interests and hobbies and talk about exciting events related to it. If you love cycling and have a crazy story up your sleeve, make sure you write about it.

These tales add uniqueness to your essay and make it different from the other hundreds of pieces piled up. Make sure while you are writing about an achievement or an accomplishment, you do not go overboard. Find the perfect balance between making the story enjoyable while not sounding self-obsessed.

Be humble always! This is a requirement you cannot skip as the moment you brag; the audience will stop reading.

Avoid Cliches

While talking about successes and achievements, remember not to make it sound cliched. Talk about stories where you messed up too to add a personal touch to the write-up. Did you forget your best friend’s birthday because you were watching the games till late at night? Have you missed a school exam because you were not prepared and freaked out at the last moment? Facts like these add a touch of relatability to the write-up.


We have come to an end, and we believe you have enough knowledge to go forward and scribble your heart out. Remember to stay precise, be informative, and remain interesting! If you can do it properly, nothing can stop your inner writer from creating a fun and interesting write-up.

You know the most about yourself, and nothing can change that fact. Make sure that you write out those interesting details which make you laugh internally every time.

Leave your future bosses impressed, and your teacher enthralled with your work. Write on!