Why Is Information Important In Our Lives


Growing up as individuals, we are exposed to a lot of facts and figures. We see, hear, and feel whatever comes our way.

And that is how we perceive, understand, and experience every little thing in this world around us.

However, in the process, we are also exposed to facts that come from indirect sources such as second-hand news, opinions, and endless interpretations of everything. We collectively define this as “information,” which helps us make crucial decisions in our lives.

But, that being said, there’s always going to be the unavoidable factors of legitimate information, half-truths, and misinformation regarding any fact. The importance of information in our lives can always be measured by the drastic consequence of ignorance.

Do we ever stop to think, how often do we, as individuals, understand the importance of information in our lives?

If the answer is still in the negative for you, then this is one guide you should definitely give a thorough read.

Why Is Information Important

Values of Information

The funny thing about logic and reasoning of human intellect is that they have till now defined everything that the world has experienced in quantitative and qualitative terms. All abstract elements could be computed and decoded to produce a range of definite values, that the human mind was not previously aware of.

Similarly, even the qualitative nature of “information” could be decoded to reveal precious values that determine several aspects of the same.

The “Value of Information” or VOI could be defined as what an individual or “decision-maker” is willing to give in exchange for the information they get, before coming to a decision.

This single definition takes us to a deeper level of discussion about what people pay for accessing information. Now, we may think of that to be just a normal aspect of life. But, when exposed to the reality of the situation, we may end up facing overwhelming facts and figures that are traded in exchange for information.

So, why is information important in our lives, to begin with, one may ask again. And, in response to that, we are going to give you a comprehensive list of ideas. Not only do these depend on information for their sustenance, but they are also integral parts of our growth process.

1. Learning and global literacy

Information, in essence, is a form of teaching and letting in the secrets of the world. It could come from an experienced individual or a tested source of any nature. In any way, information plays an indispensable part in shaping someone’s entire life and mental progress.

Consequently, information is what holds the reigns of global literacy, and pervades in every sector to bring about dramatic consequences.

Everything that you see happening around yourself in this world runs on information, or in unfavorable cases, misinformation. From the smallest household to the largest, most influential organizations, information shapes all the decisions.

2. Career opportunities

Let’s say you have been appointed for your dream job or chosen for a coveted project. Before joining, you are informed of something grave enough about the project, which goes against your principles or is out of your field of specialization. Would you go on ahead with it?

Also, if you’re an employer, would you hire a seemingly ideal candidate, if you were informed of their poor work ethics prior to the main selection?

If you are having to stop and think about it right now, then that is one effect that information is bound to have on you.

Information is the cause for decision-making. And, that is why it is the dominant aspect in every professional scenario, affecting individual decision, as well as group mentality as a direct consequence.

Why Is Information Important

3. Personal relationships and communication

Coming to the third major factor of a person’s life, which is dictated by information, we must tell you to consider the role played by it very carefully.

Our lives are ever-changing, and we face a new challenge every minute, and the struggle is even more when we are dealing with our social images.

What you have to understand here is that we have little power when it comes to the idea that the world creates about us. And that is mainly constructed out of the information that includes facts, stories, and so much more about us. This is either provided by us to others, or what others may have acquired indirectly, voluntarily or involuntarily, by other external sources.

Also, when it comes to personal relationships, we do take all our decisions based on what we learn about the other person through our experiences with them.

And this open grounds for communication or non-communication to take place. Information can affect interpersonal communication to the highest levels. This is also because of the fact that we, as humans, always look to question everything verbally first rather than taking the time to process an event.

So, this is where we have to give information its true credit for its role and value of making or breaking our social images for the world.

Information and communications technology

So far, we have tried to define the qualitative values of information and how it affects the major aspects of our lives. Proceeding with it, we would now like to get into the technological side of things.

While information serves to be the cause of communication, it is also the direct effect and outcome of communication, thus, perpetuating as a cycle.

The information and communications technology or ICT can be defined as an offshoot term for informational technology (IT), which emphasizes the part played by “unified communications.” It goes on to stress the role and the integration of telecommunications and computers. And, this had changed the information and communications scenario forever when it merged telephone lines and wireless signals.

The ICT further highlights the inclusion of the required enterprise software, storage, middleware, and audiovisual systems that allow users to access, transmit, manipulate, and store information.

Coming to the terminology, “ICT” is also used to denote the technological convergence of telephone and audiovisual networks with computer networks through a single link or cable system. There lie considerable economic incentives in merging the computer network system with the telephone network using a specific unified system. And this unified system is formed through single distribution, cabling, and management.

Why Is Information Important

ICT is a broad-spectrum term that envelopes any communication device, broadcasting radio, television, cellphones, computer and network hardware, satellite systems, and so much more. It further includes a range of different services and appliances with them, such as distance learning and video conferencing.

ICT is a subject that is broader than it looks, and is still evolving. It does cover all such products that will retrieve, store, transmit, manipulate, or receive information electronically in a digital form. And, this includes personal computers, emails, robots, and digital television.

Why do you need information?

Information is undeniably a predominant influencer in our lives that sustains some of the major factors of this world. Not only does it control personal growth on a microcosmic level, but it also affects the biggest sectors all over the globe.

And one of the primary fields that it manages for an individual is that of education. Information is not only the first right of a student, but it is also the primary necessity while growing up.

So, here we’d like you to know about all the ways information plays an indispensable part in literacy, education, and personal growth.

1. Intellectual development and academic credibility

The intellectual development of an individual is directly dependent on the kind of information they are exposed to in their formative years. The sources of this information can be varied and many.

This includes the environment in which one is growing up, the primary instances of teaching, and the immediate educational institution one is sent to. Information develops the power of logic and reasoning, which, in turn, forms academic credibility.

2. Development of the understanding of a subject

Since information leads to academic credibility, it goes without saying that it forms a basic understanding of any subject. It creates the ability to reason, understand, and interpret knowledge from an entirely individual perspective. 

This is what forms the basis, and foundational block of the development of a curiosity to know more and know better. And, it opens vast grounds for extensive research, leading to the achievement of more knowledge through information.

3. Ability to complete assignments and meet research requirements

The final outcome of information is the ability to meet the requirements of the academic field. This includes understanding the subject, as we have mentioned before and applying that knowledge to complete your assignments and match up to your research requirements. This develops an individual perspective to understand the world around you.


Information is one of the major pillars of personal growth, enabling an individual to make all the difference in society. And this definitely leads to all the essential changes in the world.

So, the next time you ask why is information important in our lives, know that every little thing that you get to know will decide your future and the person you become.

We hope we were able to help you understand the very basics of the subject, and that you liked what you read!

Till next time!